
Adverse Events in Hospitals Report

June 22, 2022

One in four Americans on Medicare have been victims of harm during a hospital stay, according to a report this year from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (link: https://oig.hhs.gov/oei/reports/OEI-06-18-00400.asp)
According to the report, which measures outcomes pre-pandemic, 12% of patients had “adverse events” that resulted in longer stays, required life-saving measures, caused permanent injury, and even death, while 13% had temporary issues caused by medical errors that could have resulted in complications without medical intervention. 
In a random sample of 770 Medicare patients discharged from acute-care hospitals throughout the country in October 2018, the most common harm events were related to medications, pressure injuries, surgical mishaps, and infections. Physician reviewers found that 43% of these events were preventable and linked to substandard or inadequate patient care.
Patient harm often goes unreported, but it is important to hold negligent parties accountable to keep the same from happening to others. Call Pauley Curry today at (606) 420-4478 for a free case review. There is never a fee unless we win your case.